The Saga Of TheWilderness Lodge

One of the great Disney resorts is The Wilderness Lodge at Walt Disney World.

There is a unique look and feel to the resort that transports you back through time to another era of American life. The design was inspired by the Ahwahnee Lodge in Yosemite National Park and the Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park. Using those two models for inspiration, The Wilderness Lodge has captured the rustic and iconic sense of American Heritage.

As always, in the world of Disney, it is always about the story…and there is always a story.

Many guests will miss the art of storytelling that takes place in a resort setting. If they choose to miss it then it does not diminish their visit. However, if they choose to embrace the story…I believe it adds a depth to the visit and makes their stay nothing short of an experience. So it is with the Wilderness Lodge….

Are you ready? Let’s get started….

Making The Turn Toward Adventure

As soon as you turn off of World Drive onto Timberline Drive you magically leave Florida to arrive in the Pacific Northwest.

In the storyline, the lodge is built around a hot mineral spring and bubbles into Silver Creek and then eventually will flow into Bay Lake. The water flow also runs through the Fire Rock Geyser. Once you make the turn you immediately are surrounded by the trees, flowers, and sights that allow you to suspend belief as you head into the wilderness to find your home away from home.

Your stay is nothing short of a great adventure.


A Great Adventure Begins…For You

In life, we never know what turn we will take, what might inspire us, or who we might meet…but each of those moments can be the beginning of a great adventure. There is something that we all must wrestle with and it is simple, life is short…so why not embrace it and live it to the fullest?

My hope and encouragement for you today is that you would see each turn, each place, and each person as a chance to discover something new, exciting, and life shaping. If you can learn to approach life in this way then you are not just doing time but you are really living…and living life with a sense of adventure that impacts all of those in your path.

Decide today to make the turn and start living the adventure!

It is the stuff that dreams are made of!


(This is installment one in a series on the Saga Of The Wilderness Lodge)