Epcot Celebrates 30 years…
For a few moments we are going to take a closer look at The American Adventure…
These brief snippets were posted on the Key to the Kingdom Series Facebook page
(Visit for more quotes, facts, and thoughts from DixonOnDisney)
The date was October 11-12, 1982
This is the date the American Adventure was dedicated in the World Showcase. As the official ‘host’ of the showcase the American Adventure is in the center of the surrounding countries on display.The architecture of the building is done in classic English Georgian style. Elements in the Disney building found inspiration in Independence Hall, Boston’s Old State House, and Colonial Williamsburg. The 110,000 bricks are handmade from Georgian clay, designers added color and then aged them to make them look authentic.

Inside you find paintings and quotations along the walls of the Main Hall, the West Hall, and the Upper Lobby of the attraction’s building. The quotes are from Walt Disney, Althea Gibson, Charles A. Lindbergh, and more…

Next time you visit, pay attention to the details. Take a look at the Clock Face.  You will see a numeral IIII, instead of the IV.  This was done to prevent confusion when viewing the clock from a distance.

The American Adventure features an inspiring look at history and how it really is an adventure. In the American Adventure, the “Two Brothers” song that drives the story line forward during the Civil War history actually was a part of Disneyland’s Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. If you remember the film, there is a scene where a train depot seen. That depot was at one time the train station in Disneyland’s New Orleans Square. It now serves as decoration on the opposite side of the train tracks in the California theme park.

It’s at this moment that an amazing American Adventure detail comes to life. Most miss it but it is important and happens for a reason. Up until this point in the saga, all of the rear-screen projected pictures have been paintings and illustrations.

History then is shown differently from this point forward…the reason?

Because the camera had not yet been invented until this era. From this point on…actual photographs are used.


If you are interested in finding a Hidden Mickey in The American Adventure here is a hint- when you are in the Lobby—notice the painting of wagon train heading west—look above the front leg of the foremost oxen … maybe you might find a surprise.

Here is a Disney did you know?
The American Adventure…uses a reverse application of the usual forced perspective concept.What am I talking about?
Well, many are aware that Disney designers use the film-maker trick of forced perspective to make objects appear taller than they really are……

this is accomplished by making the things around them smaller than expected and as a result it tricks the mind into seeing something from a different perspective.This is done with shorter doors, windows, even the extra story of a building might be shorter giving the building a taller look.

At the American Adventure the opposite of this approach was taken.

The building was designed to be a visual focal point of the World Showcase. As you look across the lagoon it is an easily seen structure and imposing to be sure. However, to get this look the building had to be constructed at least 5 stories tall. If it wasn’t that tall it would be too short to be the focal point.

But, Colonial buildings were not taller than 3 stories. So this very tall structure is actually designed to look like it is only 3 stories tall…the designers used a reverse application of the forced perspective to achieve this look. So next time you stand next to the building…notice the doors are a little taller than normal, the windows are bigger…all of this was done to make the 5 story building seem shorter.