The Disneyland News could be bought on Main Street in Disneyland. One of the young men who sold them was Tom Nabbe.

He started his Disney career at age 12 and Walt was impressed by the young man. Tom’s spunk, eagerness, and enthusiasm caught the attention of Walt and when Tom Sawyer Island was opened, Walt cast him as the very first official- Disneyland’s Tom Sawyer.

Nabbe gave the following account to author, Pat Williams. “One day I was walking with Walt to Tom Sawyer Island. Walt said, ‘Tom, there are paths on that island, but those paths are really for the moms and dads. I want young people to make their own paths and explore the island in their own way.’

Nabbe went to to explain, “I’ve often thought about what Walt was telling me. He wasn’t just talking about that island. He was talking about life. Walt was saying that we all needed to approach life creatively and courageously. We shouldn’t just stick the paths that are laid out for us. We need to explore. It takes courage to step off the path and blaze a new trail, but that is what creativity is all about. Walt really believed that. What’s more he lived it.”

That is powerful insight learned as he listened and watched the life of Walt Disney.

I believe that an important part of creativity…and essential part of creativity is dreaming dreams. Not just any dream-but bold dreams. But dreaming is not enough because there are a lot of people who have dreams. But the willingness to work to make dreams come true…that takes courage. It is that moment when courage connects with creativity that we begin to see dreams become reality.

I don’t know what dreams have been placed in your heart…but I do know this…chasing a dream ignites your life with a passion and purpose. And if that dream is going to ever come true it will take a good mix of courage swirling around your creativity to make it happen.

My hope is that we would never be fearful and that we would never stop chasing dreams. The world is a better place because people chase dreams…it is one of the ways we change the world. So get busy, start chasing your dreams….

And remember…sometimes those dreams can only be chased by getting off the main path and blazing a new trail of your own!