While it seems that everyone is trying to make a movie in 3-D these days, it should come as no surprise that one of the pioneers and first to embrace and try 3-D technology was none other than Walt Disney.

In the early days of film, 3-D came in and went out…in history it is remembered as just a fad. As the years have passed with increasing discoveries in technology the fad comes back…each time with more staying power and wider acceptance.

In 1953, the Disney Studios decided to explore the new trend of 3-D films by producing two 3-D cartoons: Adventures in Music: Melody and Working for Peanuts.

Adventures in Music had already been completed in 2-D when Walt decided to have it changed to a 3-D experience. So today, if you go back and watch there are not many scenes where there are things “coming at you” on the screen. In November 1953, Working for Peanuts was released. This classic cartoon featured Chip and Dale stealing peanuts from Dolores the Elephant. The zoo keeper is none other than Donald Duck who declares war on the chipmunks to protect her treats.

The pivotal 3-D scene occurs when Donald uses Dolores’ trunk as a machine gun filled with peanuts to shoot at the chipmunks and of course, the audience.

Eventually, Chip and Dale disguise themselves as rare albino chipmunks, they find a home at the zoo, and all ends well.

Working for Peanuts later found a home in the Magic Kingdom during the pre-show for Kodak’s Magic Journeys and later was reformatted so it could accompany the film Meet the Robinsons also in 3-D. Most people actually remember both cartoons in 2-D as they have been seen on television, video, and DVD releases.

Walt Disney lived his life pushing the limits. He was not afraid to try new things, develop new ways of approaching things, and always striving to be on the front edge of technology. It comes as no surprise that he was one of the first to try 3-D and as it proved to be a fad, moved on to other things.

The reason Walt could so easily embrace and risk trying new things is because he saw things with a vision and clarity that others could not. Does that mean he always got it right? No, of course not…he had more than his share of failures and setbacks. But it is important to note, that each setback occurred on the way to trying something great, often that had never been done before….and each setback would become a lesson to learn and grow from.

How willing are you to embrace new things? How quick are you to change with the times? How eagerly are you looking forward to the future and what you might get to do next? The way you view the world and the way you choose to see things can set the tone for that. Walt Disney lived his life as a man who loved nostalgia..but could not wait for the future.

Learn to see things not just in 2-D or 3-D but maybe in Disney-D…with a confidence that no matter what, you are going to keep striving to know more, do more, and become more. As you do…you will inspire others and you might just change the world.