If you were to have had the chance to see Walt Disney out and driving around…what do you think he might have driven?

Walt Disney, enjoyed his cars, but unlike other celebrities of his day, and today … Walt’s was not a guy who was “in love” with his cars. In fact, Walt recalled, “I never owned a new car until way after Mickey Mouse.”

No surprise when you think about his life and story.
Walt came from humble beginnings and struggled to make his dreams come true. History reminds us that Walt would sink everything into the latest idea and the next great project. At times that meant giving up a car, selling a car, or finding something that was more practical. He owned a variety of used cars and as a family came along, he decided that a family car was a good investment. For Walt it was a “splurge” but he made sure his wife and kids had something to drive around in.

Jeff Kurtti shared the following ideas on the Disney Insider blog…

Walt’s last car is fondly remembered by one of his film stars, Dean Jones. “He passed a Mercedes dealership,” Jones says, “He looked in the window and saw this little two-seater. They were about $11,000 at that time.”

Jones recalls that Walt (as he had become accustomed to doing) just walked by, thinking, “I can’t afford that.” But then he stopped and thought, “Wait! I can afford it!” and went back and bought the car.

Shortly afterward, when Jones made “That Darn Cat!” (1965), the actor noticed that the Mercedes SL 230 was being used in the picture as Roddy McDowall’s car! “How come we’re using Walt’s car?” Jones asked. He found out that Walt was being paid $100 a day for the use of his car. “I think that he just felt guilty about spending $11,000, and that the Mercedes had to be of some use other than to drive him around.”

Walt dealt with cars in a very practical way and his attitude toward them was one of functionality rather than obsession. Walt owned cars but the cars never owned him. Many people struggle with this way of thinkin. It may not be cars, it could be houses, collections, hobbies, or any other assortment of things….sometimes people become so obsessed with the acquisition of things that they no longer own them…in essence, the things control them.

Nothing wrong with having nice things and nothing wrong with treating yourself to something nice.
But is important to remember that things are never more important than people…and nothing we own is something that we can take with us. Walt realized the importance of trying to create, design, and discover ways of doing things that would last far beyond his life, and continue to drive forward the way things were done. The end result as that he inspired others and his legacy lives to this very day.

When we are motivated by “getting stuff” there is nothing overly inspiring about that…instead, how we use the stuff, what we do with the stuff, and how we are able to share the stuff with the rest of the world..well, that becomes the stuff of legend.

You were created to make a difference and make the world a better place…what is it that drives and motivates you?
Invest your life in things that matter and the stuff of leaving a legacy that will inspire others!

Now that is a “ride” worth taking!