by Jeff Dixon | Jun 12, 2016 | News
Normally – this blog and site contains posts related to Walt Disney and Walt Disney World. This one is different. It is posted on the event of the terrorist attack in Orlando. Nothing about Disney is included below, instead some thoughts about life and hope. We...
by Jeff Dixon | Jun 3, 2016 | Disney Trivia
This is the final installment in the series called “Walt Disney on Trial.” What we have tried to do in this series we have taken the stuff from the court of public opinion against Walt Disney and tried to address it with snippets of history and unravel the...
by Jeff Dixon | May 27, 2016 | Disney Trivia
Does history reveal Walt Disney to be racist? As we have seen to this point in our Walt Disney on Trial series that other allegations that so often arise against Walt in the court of public opinion are nothing but rumors and lies passed along by those that have chosen...
by Jeff Dixon | May 4, 2016 | Disney Trivia
We continue our examination of the often repeated and blindly believed accusations about the character and life of Walt Disney. As many of these same old stories and arguments have been often repeated over time, most have no idea of the history and the reality that is...
by Jeff Dixon | Apr 16, 2016 | Featured
FastPass times. Fun. Crowds. Meet and greets. That’s what you think when you’re at Walt Disney World. Next time, shoot higher. Packed in with all those souvenirs, leave the park with a philosophy, a guide to a better, Disney-driven life. Jeff Dixon is your...