by Jeff Dixon | Feb 23, 2014 | Disney Trivia
( A Walt Disney story of the Winter Olympics – Article Five- Last Article In The Winter Olympic Series) The question was asked, “How did Walt Disney control the weather for the Opening Ceremonies at the Winter Olympics?” I suppose it is a silly...
by Jeff Dixon | Feb 20, 2014 | Disney Trivia
( A Walt Disney story of the Winter Olympics – Article Four) As you have been reading this series of articles about Walt Disney’s involvement in the Winter Olympics you might be tempted to conclude that because it was Disney, it was easy, and with a little...
by Jeff Dixon | Feb 17, 2014 | Disney Trivia
( A Walt Disney story of the Winter Olympics – Article Three) The Squaw Valley Olympics were an Olympics that caught the attention of the world for many reasons. Not only was the Olympics and global sporting event but Walt Disney was now a global...
by Jeff Dixon | Feb 11, 2014 | Disney Trivia
( A Walt Disney story of the Winter Olympics – Article Two) Most people don’t associate the name Walt Disney with the Olympics. Yet in this series of articles, this is the second installment where we discover the often forgotten involvement of Walt...
by Jeff Dixon | Feb 5, 2014 | Disney Trivia
( A Walt Disney story of the Winter Olympics – Article One) Winter is here, there is snow and frost on the ground and right now the world is getting ready for the Winter Olympics. Many people do not understand that if it were not for Walt Disney, the Olympics as...