by Jeff Dixon | Dec 9, 2012 | Disney Trivia
Imagine you are traveling along a frosty, winter road, through a neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri. It is close to 4 am, and the night is bitter cold. Something catches your eye on the darkened front porch of the house you just passed. You look closer and you see...
by Jeff Dixon | Dec 5, 2012 | Featured
For daily bits of Disney trivia, Disney news and Walt Disney history, follow author Jeff Dixon on Twitter at DixonOnDisney.
by Jeff Dixon | Dec 3, 2012 | Disney Trivia
Walt Disney and Christmas Memories just seem to go together. Have you ever heard about Walt Disney’s Secret Santa File? According to Disney biographer Bob Thomas, Walt loved being able to play “Santa Walt” so much that he had to develop a filing...
by Jeff Dixon | Nov 2, 2012 | Disney Trivia
While it seems that everyone is trying to make a movie in 3-D these days, it should come as no surprise that one of the pioneers and first to embrace and try 3-D technology was none other than Walt Disney. In the early days of film, 3-D came in and went out…in...
by Jeff Dixon | Oct 28, 2012 | Disney Trivia
Ready for a little Disney trivia? Well, here you go…Each of the questions below are designed to give you a little who, what, when and where about Disney history. Question One- What was the first Disney film to hold its world premier outside of the...